Portes ouvertes Ottawa 2021

Enriched Bread Artists (EBA) est une association d’artistes visuels à but non lucratif dont les pratiques artistiques embrassent un éventail de médias et de techniques. Le collectif a été créé en 1992 par des diplômés de l’Université d’Ottawa à la recherche d’un espace de travail et d’une communauté artistique au-delà du contexte universitaire. Les membres du collectif…

Doors Open 2021

Enriched Bread Artists (EBA) is a not-for-profit collective of visual artists working in a range of media and techniques. The collective was originally formed in 1992 by graduates of the University of Ottawa looking for studio space and an artistic community beyond university. EBA members have changed over time and today EBA artists come from…

Doors Open 2018

Doors Open 2018 This year, we have two exhibitions for Doors Open: Innovative Printmaking + Unscripted Drawings. Innovative Printmaking: Exploring Techniques, Scales, and Subjects Curated by Pat Durr Printmaking in recent years has greatly broadened its technical explorations. While many artist printmakers still use the classic processes and produce beautiful editions, others are exploring new…

Doors Open 2018

Doors Open 2018 This year, we have two exhibitions for Doors Open: Innovative Printmaking + Unscripted Drawings. Innovative Printmaking: Exploring Techniques, Scales, and Subjects Curated by Pat Durr Printmaking in recent years has greatly broadened its technical explorations. While many artist printmakers still use the classic processes and produce beautiful editions, others are exploring new…

Cut the Cake! Celebrate!

Cut the Cake! Celebrate! 17 au 31 août 2017 Enriched Bread Artists Studios, 951, avenue Gladstone, K1Y 3E5 613-729-7632 | info@enrichedbreadartists.com | www.enrichedbreadartists.com #Ottawa2017; #cutthecake; #eba Accès public : Autobus no 14, marche, vélo, stationnement dans la rue Entrée gratuite à toutes les activités Enriched Bread Artists (EBA) est une coopérative sans but lucratif constituée de vingt-deux artistes visuels établis…

Cut the Cake! Celebrate!

Cut the Cake! Celebrate! August 17 to 31, 2017 Enriched Bread Artists Studios, 951 Gladstone Avenue, K1Y 3E5 613-729-7632 | info@enrichedbreadartists.com | www.enrichedbreadartists.com #Ottawa2017; #cutthecake; #eba Public Access: Bus Route 14, walk, bike, street parking Free admission to all events The Enriched Bread Artists (EBA) is a not-for-profit cooperative of twenty-two Ottawa-based Visual Artists. Located in a former…

Left Behind

Left Behind In conjunction with the exhibition, There’s Room,held at Gallery 101, January 23 – February 27, 2016, two nearby Ottawa galleries: The Enriched Bread Artists and the RIA Project Room will be opening exhibitions that closely relate to migration issues that are also explored by the artists at Gallery 101. EBA artists reflect on the experience of leaving…

Left Behind

Left Behind In conjunction with the exhibition, There’s Room,held at Gallery 101, January 23 – February 27, 2016, two nearby Ottawa galleries: The Enriched Bread Artists and the RIA Project Room will be opening exhibitions that closely relate to migration issues that are also explored by the artists at Gallery 101. EBA artists reflect on the experience of leaving…

2015 Events

Ottawa Doors Open 2015 at EBA. Thanks to our volunteers Natasha and Ellie. Photos of Doors Open Ottawa at The Enriched Bread Artists by Joyce Westrop. SubDevision at EBA Several EBA artists either collaborated with the theatre artists or opened their studios to let the theater artists be inspired in what they create. Enriched Bread Artists ready…

2015 Events

Ottawa Doors Open 2015 at EBA. Thanks to our volunteers Natasha and Ellie. Photos of Doors Open Ottawa at The Enriched Bread Artists by Joyce Westrop. SubDevision at EBA Several EBA artists either collaborated with the theatre artists or opened their studios to let the theater artists be inspired in what they create. Enriched Bread Artists ready…